






     Yesterday in a restaurant in Tokyo, someone at the table next to us lit a cigarette. I asked my Japanese host if no one ever asked smokers to go outside. His answer took me by surprise; one is not allowed to smoke on the street. Inside is fine, outside is wrong. It’s the opposite of what we are used to in the West. The point is not so much the reason for the Japanese rule, but the fact that cultural differences often  ①baffle us. This is because we assume our own perspective to be the only one that matters or makes sense. The same applies very much to my field of ‘primatology, which owes much to Japanese pioneers.

   Today I met in Kyoto with my old friend Toshisada Nishida, who is a student of the late Jun’ichiro Itani, who in turn was the most prominent student of Kinji Imanishi, the founder of Japanese primatology. Imanishi was interested in the connection between primate behavior and human evolution well before his counterparts in the West. In 1952, Imanishi wrote a little book that criticized( ア ), and raised the possibility that animals other than ourselves might have culture. The proposed definition of culture was simple: if individuals learn from one another, their behavior may, over time, become different from that of other groups, thus creating a characteristic culture. Soon thereafter, his students demonstrated how potato-washing behavior that was started by a juvenile female monkey on Koshima Island, cumulatively spread to other members of her troop.The troop had developed a potato-washing culture, which still remains today, half a century later.

     Imanishi was also the first to insist that observers give their animals names and follow them for years so that they understand their kinship relations. His concepts are now all around us: every self-respecting field worker conducts long-term studies based on individual identification, and the idea cultural transmission in animals is one of the hottest topics of today. But that is now: when Imanishi and his students toured American universities to report their findings in 1958, all they got was ridicule. The act of humanizing animals by giving them names and seeing them as social beings was seen as problematic; scientists were trained to keep a distance from their research subjects. Only the greatest American primatologist of the day, Ray Carpenter, saw the point and became a strong supporter of Japanese primatology. He visited Japan three times, and within a decade, the practice of identifying primates individually had been widely adopted at Western primatological field sites.

      To further understand how this transmission of ideas from Japan to the West could have taken place ②under our noses, we need to look at Eastern culture, and also appreciate how linguistic monopoly affects science. Plato’s “great chain of being,” which places humans above all other animals, is absent from Eastern philosophy. In most traditional Eastern belief systems, the human soul can reincarnate in many shapes and forms, so all living things are spiritually connected. A man can become a fish and a fish can become God. The fact that primates, our closest animal relatives, are native to many Eastern countries, has only helped to strenghen this belief in ( イ). It’s hardly surprising that evolution was minimally controversial in the East: if we believe that the soul can move from monkey to human and back, evolution becomes a logical thought. As Itani put it, “Japanese culture does not emphasize the difference between people and animals and so is relatively free from the spell of ‘anti-anthropomorphism.”

     The lack of credit for the Japanese approach (most treatments of animal culture either forget to mention Imanishi, or worse, claim that the studies of potato-washing were naive and ill-conceived) can be partly attributed to the language barrier. It is hard for non-English speakers to make themselves heard in an English-speaking world. Since English is not my native tongue, I am familiar with the effort involved in writing and speaking another language – even though my native Dutch is probably the closest another language can come to English. Scientists from other places have to make ten times the effort. English itself is of course not the problem: it is not better or worse than any other language. The problem is ( ウ).

      Good ideas formulated in bad English either die or get repackaged. It is a bit like a Hollywood remake of a French play such as La Cage aux Folles: its origins are immediately erased once it’s called The Birdcage. One reason Eastern thinking could ③creep into the study of animal behavior unnoticed, is that it filtered into the literature through awkward formulations and translations that native English speakers could then improve upon.

  In a way, it is delightful to see how views that were clearly ④at odds with the traditional Western dualism could gradually enter our thinking. It helped us ⑤chuck out some of our cultural baggage. At the same time, however, the way it happened hints at the difficulties other cultural and linguistic groups experience when they seek a voice in science and gain proper acknowledgement. Each culture is too ⑥wrapped up in its own relation with nature to step back and see it as it is. To gain a full picture requires all kinds of scientists, who together take on a task equivalent to comparing the images in a range of fun-house mirrors. Somewhere in that heavily distorted information resides the truth.




今日、京都で西田利貞と出会いました。西田利貞は、伊谷潤一郎の晩年の学生であり、伊谷は日本の霊長類学の創始者である今西錦司の最もすぐれた学生でした。今西は霊長類の行動と人間の進化との関係に興味がありました。 1952年、今西は(ア)を批判する小論を書き、我々以外の動物が文化を持っている可能性を提起しました。提案された文化の定義は単純でした。個人が互いに学びあうと、彼らの行動は、時間が経つにつれて他のグループの行動とは異なるようになり、特徴的な文化が生まれるというものでした。その後まもなく、彼の生徒たちは、幸島の若いとあるメスザルによって始まったジャガイモ洗浄行動が、彼女の群体の他のメンバーに累積的に広がる様子を示しました。




ひどい英語で定式化された良いアイデアは、消えるかリパッケージされます。「La Cage aux Folles」のようなフランスの演劇をハリウッドでリメイクされるようなものです。その起源は、The Birdcage と呼ばれるとすぐに消去されます。東洋的な思考が動物行動の研究を気づかずに③通り過ぎる一つの理由は、英語のネイティブスピーカーが、その後に改良するぎこちない公式や翻訳を通じて文学へ浸透するということです。





[1] ①~⑥の下線部について、選択肢1〜5のうちの意味に最も近いものを選択肢1~5の中から選びなさい。

①1. entice 2. misunderstand 3. perplex  4. question 5. ridicule

答え:3 (単語はそれぞれ1.誘惑する2.誤解させる 3.困惑させる 4.質問する5笑う)

②1. decently 2. disastrously 3. unethically 4. unnoticed 5. unplanned


③ 1. care 2 peep 3. probe 4. slip 5. slope

答え:4(1.世話をする2.覗き見する3.厳密な調査4.通り過ぎる 5,坂になる)

④ 1. in agreement with 2. incongruent with 3. indifferent to 4. on a par with 5. with respect to


⑤1. commemorate 2. discard  3. fight  4. organize  5. remember


⑥1. distracted  2. driven  3. immersed 4. suited  5. undertaken


[2] 空所( ア)~(ウ)に入る最も適切な文を選択しなさい。


  1. the Eastern view of nature being imbued with spirit
  2. the view of Darwinian evolutionary theory
  3. the view of animals as mindless automatons
  4. the view of humans as mindless automatons



  1. anti-anthropomorphism
  2. the afterlife
  3. the interconnectedness of life
  4. the superiority of Western thinking



    1.  the attitude of native English speakers
    2.  the difficulty of French plays
    3.  the philosophical differences between East and West
    4.  the poor English of Dutch scientists


[3] 次の文は英文全体の要旨を述べたものである。下記の空所(ア)~(ケ)に入る単語として最も適切なものを選択肢1~9の中から選びなさい。同じ選択肢を2度選んではいけません。

In this blog post, Frans de Waal describes how and why in his field of primatology, Japanese pioneers, most notably Kinji Imanishi, have left an important yet often unnoticed influence. In the 1950s, Imanishi suggested that animals other than humans might have ( ア),a view that contradicted the Western belief that humans and animals are fundamentally different. Imanishi was also( イ )in his method; he gave names to the animals he studied and spent extended time with them. Today, this method of long-term fieldwork is the norm in primatology, but at the time, it ( ウ )the belief that animals should not be anthropomorphized, and that a distance should be kept between the researcher and the animal subject. The American primatologist, Ray Carpenter, became interested in this Japanese approach, and ( エ) the role of introducing it to the West. Today, Imanishi’s approach is accepted as the norm around the world. Frans de Waal points out how cultural background( オ ) scientific discovery, such as the Eastern belief that assumes all creatures to be spiritually and interdependently connected. He also points out that the reason why the Japanese contribution to primatology is relatively hidden is the language barrier. Western science( カ)in the English language, and those who are from non-Anglophone countries are in a less favorable position for( キ) their research globaily. Moreover, once ideas enter the English language, their origins are often forgotten. De Waal ends with the suggestion of(ク) one’s own cultural views and beliefs, and of comparing them with those of others for a *truer'( ケ) of reality.

ア3. cultureイ7. radical・ウ1. challenged・エ6. played・オ5. influencesカ2. circulatesキ9. voicingク8. relativizingケ4. glimpse(一目見る)






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